Updates and New Stories

Hello everyone! This is just a small post to inform you all on upcoming events. (Art featured belongs to rightful creator) First of all, my family is moving to a new house, so these next few days, I won’t be posting stories a whole lot. Secondly, I am working on some huge story projects, so […]

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Cold Queen, Warm Temper

A long time ago, a queen governed a land filled with prosperity. The queen, however, was much like the ice at wintertime. Strict, unmoving, and beyond cold. She would often descend upon the people when enforcing rules, but she never truly cared for the well being of the people, rather the well being of her […]

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A long time ago, a young maiden lay silently in her favorite chair, rocking back and forth ever so slightly. Her hair was as golden as an angels halo, and her skin was as pale as the luminous shined moon. She was indeed beautiful, well, she was. The maiden only saw her beauty as an advantage […]

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Have you ever thought on how much has happened in such little time? Have you ever pondered on if you’re really living a life, or revisiting a dream? Most likely not, as you’re busy ‘living in the moment’ and enjoying the time you have. Ah, you thank time for its gift, and you curse at […]

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